Website Terms and Conditions | Pioneer Finance

1.          Introduction

1.1        What these Website Terms cover

Welcome to our website (Website).  These terms and conditions (Website Terms) explain the terms that apply to your use of this Website.

1.2        How to contact Pioneer Finance

If you would like to contact Pioneer Finance in relation to these Website Terms or our Website, please email Pioneer Finance at the details set out in the Contact Us section below.

1.3        Who we are: In these Website Terms, references to:

we”, “us” or “Pioneer Finance” means the relevant Pioneer Finance Company that you have engaged with (see further detail in section 8 below); and

you” means any user of our Website.

2.          Application

2.1        Acceptance of these Website Terms

Please read these Website Terms carefully each time you visit our website.  By accessing and using our website you are deemed to confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Website Terms.  If you do not agree to any part of the Website Terms, you must not access, or must immediately stop accessing, our website.

2.2        Use of your information

Any personal information that you provide to Pioneer Finance through our Website will be used in accordance with these Website Terms and our Privacy Statement. Please ensure that you have read our Privacy Statement before proceeding.

2.3        Other terms may apply

Please note that specific terms may apply to goods or services, or online tools provided through the Website from time to time. If there is any inconsistency between such specific terms and these Website Terms, the specific terms will apply to your use of such goods, services, or online tools.

3.          Updates

3.1        Changes to these Website Terms

Pioneer Finance may update these Website Terms at any time by posting an updated version on our website.  The updated version of these Website Terms will take effect immediately upon publication (or, if applicable, on the date specified in the updated Website Terms).  If the changes are material, we may also take additional steps to bring the changes to your attention, including by notifying you directly. Pioneer Finance will update you on any material changes as required by law.  You are responsible for reviewing these Website Terms regularly to ensure that you are aware of any updates.  Your continued use of this Website following any changes to these Website Terms constitutes your acceptance of any updates.

3.2        Changes to our Website

We may change the format, content, and/or functionality of any part of our website at any time.

4.          Information provided on our Website

Website for general information only

All information contained on our website is provided for general information purposes only.  It is not intended to be a substitute for commercial judgment or professional advice.  Pioneer Finance takes care to ensure all information (including services, models, representations, specifications, and pricing) excluding third-party material displayed on this Website is accurate at the time it is uploaded. However, we do not guarantee that any information provided on our website is accurate, complete, up to date, or suitable for your intended use. We may change any information displayed on this Website (including pricing) at any time without notice to you.

5.          Security

5.1        Security

Security of your information and use of our website is very important to Pioneer Finance.  Pioneer Finance will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to protect our website and the information that we hold.  However, due to the inherent nature of the internet, we are not able to guarantee the security of our website or any information that you hold or that you transmit to Pioneer Finance.

5.2        Your responsibility

You are responsible for taking your own measures to reduce the risk of viruses or other forms of interference damaging your computer system.

6.          Exclusion of our liability

6.1        Liability

To the extent permitted by law:

(a)   this Website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and any warranties, representations, conditions, undertakings, and terms, whether express or implied, are expressly excluded; and

(b)   in no event will Pioneer Finance be liable under contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise under or in connection with these Website Terms and/or your access to, use of, inability to use, or reliance on our website or any information contained in or accessed through our website.

You acknowledge that access to our website is provided at no charge and accordingly the exclusions of liability set out in this clause are fair and reasonable.

7.          Using our website

7.1        We are not responsible for other websites

Our website may provide links to other websites for your convenience and information. These websites are outside our control and the provision of a link to a third-party website does not imply our agreement to or endorsement of any of the information contained on the third-party website or otherwise imply any association with the third party.  Third-party websites may have different terms of use and privacy policies, which you should review before using the third-party website.

7.2        We own the intellectual property on our website

We own or have obtained a valid licence to use all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights used on our website and all such intellectual property rights will remain solely with us and/or our licensors (as the case may be).

7.3        How you may use our website

You agree not to use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Website Terms. You may download the information on the Website for your own personal use but otherwise, neither the Website, nor any material on it, may be altered, modified, reproduced, transmitted, or distributed without our consent. If you link our website to your website, you must remove the link at our request. You agree that you will not interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Website, or damage the operation of the Website, or our systems, or those of other persons who use the Website, whether by way of a virus, corrupted file, any other software or program, or otherwise.

8.          General

8.1        Important Notice: New Zealand residents

This Website is intended for New Zealand residents only.  If you are located in another country, you may be subject to other laws, including data protection laws.  For that reason, if you are not located in New Zealand you are not permitted to use, and must immediately cease using our Website.

8.2        We may transfer our rights under these Website Terms

Pioneer Finance may transfer our rights and obligations under these Website Terms to a Group Company or a third-party purchaser. You must not transfer your rights or your obligations under these Website Terms to another person.

8.3        Entire agreement

These Website Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Pioneer Finance relating to the Website.

8.4        We may delay in enforcing our rights

If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Website Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent Pioneer Finance from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.5        These Website Terms are governed by New Zealand law

These Website Terms are governed by New Zealand law and any applicable legal proceedings must be heard in the New Zealand courts.

Contact us

Contact details: If you have any questions about these Website Terms or our Website, please

Contact Pioneer Finance at:

The Pioneer Finance Privacy Officer

106/100 Parnell Road


Auckland 1052

Tel: : 0800 000 724

Email:  [email protected]


These Website Terms were last updated on 17 June 2022